JLPT N5 Kanji

【父】(fu, chichi/ father) Japanese Kanji | JLPT N5


This article is recommended for

  • Those who are studying Japanese but are not good at Kanji
  • Those who have started learning Japanese
  • People living in Japan (non-Japanese)
【Summary】How to learn Kanji -fast & easy-
【Summary】How to learn Kanji -fast & easy-

In this article, I would like to explain how to ...

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In this time, I will introduce the Kanji character .

How to read

① Onyomi (Chinese reading)

The on-readings are
・ふ fu

For example,
神父 しんぷ chin-pu
It means priest

祖父 そふ so-fu
It means grandfather
This is a formal expression.

父母 ふぼ fu-bo
It means father and mother
This is a formal expression.

and so on.

② Kunyomi (Japanese reading)

Next, the kun-reading is
・ちち chichi

For example,
 ちち chichi
It means father
This is a formal expression.
父と母 ちちとはは chichi to haha
father and mother

父親 ちちおや chichi-oya
It means father
Mainly used to talk about other people's parents
父親と母親 ちちおやとははおや chichi-oya to haha-oya
father and mother

③ Special reading

Next is a special reading.
お父さん おとうさん o-tou-san
It means father
This is a casual expression

叔父伯父 おじ oji
It means uncle
伯父 is a sibling older than the parent.
叔父 is a sibling younger than the parent


Next is a special reading.


And the radical of this character is 父 chichi
This character itself is a radical, a basic character.

Family name

Next, I will introduce family names. Here are some family names that are particularly common in Japan.
・祖父江 そふえ、そぶえ Sofue, Sobue
・養父 やぶ Yabu
・秩父 ちちぶ Chichibu

Personal name

There are no specific well-known personal names using the Kanji for 父

Famous person

Next, I will introduce Japanese celebrities who use the Kanji 父
・秩父宮 雍仁親王 ちちぶのみややすひとしんのう Chichibu-no-miya Yasuhito-shin-nou
He was a member of the royal family and brother of Emperor Showa/Hirohito.


Next, I will introduce place names and tourist attractions that use the kanji character for 父.
・秩父宮ラグビー場 ちちぶのみやらぐびーじょう Chichibunomiya rugby jou
It is a rugby field located near the National Stadium in Tokyo

・秩父 ちちぶ Chichibu
The name of a city in Saitama Prefecture, Japan. It is located near Tokyo and has a lot of nature!

・養父 やぶ Yabu
This is the name of a city in the Kansai region. It is the origin of the word "やぶ医者"
やぶ医者 means quack docter.

・父島 ちちじま chichi-jima
The Ogasawara Islands in the Pacific Ocean. It is registered as a World Heritage site.

Containing its kanji

Here are some kanji that contain character 父 in their composition
 こう、まじー-わる kou, maji-waru
It means cross

 ふ、おの fu, ono
It means axe

 おきな、じい okina, jii
It means grandfather

 ふ、かま fu, kama
It means kettle, iron pot

Thus, many Chinese characters containing "父" are pronounced as "fu"

Video continues at "iLAB" here. If you are interested, please continue watching.

iLAB -Let's learn Japanese Kanji !!-

↓Other kanji characters can be found in the list here↓

JLPT Kanji List (N5, N4, N3, N2, N1)
Kanji List (JLPT N5, N4, N3, N2, N1)

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