This article is recommended for
- Those who are studying Japanese but are not good at Kanji
- Those who have started learning Japanese
- People living in Japan (non-Japanese)
【Summary】How to learn Kanji -fast & easy-
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In this time, I will introduce the Kanji character 行.
How to read
① Onyomi (Chinese reading)
The on-readings are
・こう kou
・ぎょう gyou
・あん an
For example,
・行動 こうどう kou-dou
It means action
・行動範囲 こうどうはんい kou-dou han-i
area of activity
・通行 つうこう tsuu-kou
It means passing through
・通行止め つうこうどめ tsuu-kou do-me
closure (of a road)
・歩行 ほこう ho-kou
It means walking
・歩行者 ほこうしゃ ho-kou-sha
pedestrian, walker
・先行 せんこう sen-kou
It means preceding
・先行投資 せんこうとうし sen-kou tou-shi
prior investment
・横行 おうこう ou-kou
It means be rampant
犯罪が横行する はんざいがおうこうする han-zai ga ou-kou suru
Crime is rampant.
and so on.
② Kunyomi (Japanese reading)
Next, the kun-reading is
・い-く i-ku
・ゆ-く yu-ku
・おこな-う okona-u
For example,
・行く い-く/ゆ-く i-ku, yu-ku
It means going
The meaning is the same in either reading.
If anything, it is more commonly read as "iku".
・行う おこな-う okona-u
It means doing
The context will determine whether the word "行った" is read as "おこなった" or "いった".
and so on.
③ Special reading
Next is a special reading.
・行幸 みゆき miyuki
That the Emperor is going out.
Next is the meaning of the kanji for "行".
This kanji is used in the next meanings
And the radical of this character is 彳 gyounin-ben 【彳】Gyō-nin-ben【行】Gyō-gamae, Yuki-gamae Commentary on the radical "彳" or "行" Many ...
This character itself is a radical, a basic character.
【彳】【行】(Gyō-nin-ben,Gyō-gamae/go) Kanji Radical, Bushu
Family name
Next, I will introduce family names.
・行平 ゆきひら Yukihira
・吉行 よしゆき Yoshiyuki
Personal name
These are common personal names using the Kanji for 行
・伸行 のぶゆき Nobuyuki
・敏行 としゆき Toshiyuki
Personal names using this kanji are very common.
Famous person
Next, I will introduce Japanese celebrities who use the Kanji 行
・辻井 伸行 つじいのぶゆき Tsujii Nobuyuki
He is a pianist.
・西田 敏行 にしだとしゆき Nishida Toshiyuki
He is an actor.
・尾崎 行雄 おざきゆきお Ozaki Yukio
He was a legendary politician.
He served as mayor of Tokyo before the war and member of the House of Representatives in Japan.
He served in the House of Representatives for 63 years until the age of 94.
These are the highest records in Japan.
Next, I will introduce place names and tourist attractions that use the kanji character for 行.
・行橋 ゆくはし Yukuhashi
This is the name of a city in Fukuoka Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan
There is no particular kanji that resembles the kanji character for "行".
Containing its kanji
Here are some kanji that contain character 行 in their composition
・桁 けた keta
It means digit
・術 じゅつ jutsu
It means technique
・街 まち machi
It means city
・衝 しょう shou
It means prod
・衡 こう kou
It means balance
・衛 えい ei
It means protect
The rest of the article is explained in iLAB.
Other words, proverbs, and kanji origins are introduced here.
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Video continues at "iLAB" here. If you are interested, please continue watching.
iLAB -Let's learn Japanese Kanji !!-
↓Other kanji characters can be found in the list here↓
Kanji List (JLPT N5, N4, N3, N2, N1)
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