Radical Radical Hen (偏)

【火】【灬】(Hi-hen,Rekka,Renga/fire,frame) Kanji Radical, Bushu


【火】Hi, Hi-hen【灬】Rekka, Renga

Commentary on the radical "火" or ""

Many kanji with the radical "火 (Hi, Hi-hen)" or "灬 (Rekka, Renga)" are related to tools and actions that use fire, or to the properties and effects of fire.

The radical "灬" is the form when the "火" becomes a radical "脚 (Ashi)".


焼 → 火 + 尭

The part of "尭" means "to raise high".
Together, the two express the meaning of "to raise the fire high," in other words "to burn".

爆 → 火 + 暴

The part of "暴" means "stormy, run riot".
Together, the two mean "bursting into flames".

List of kanji with "火" as radical

They are listed in stroke order.


灰 災 炎 炭

灯 炊 炉 焼 煙 煩 燃 燥 爆


為 点 烈 煮 焦 然 無 照 煎 勲 熟 熱

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Kanji Radical List (Bushu)

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-Radical, Radical Hen (偏)

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