Commentary on the radical "牜"
Many kanji with the radical "牜 (Ushi-hen)" is related to various kinds of cows (bulls), keeping cows, and using cows.
The radical "牜" is the form when the "牛 (cow, bull)" becomes a radical "偏 (Hen)".
物 → 牜 + 勿
The part of "勿" means "to purify, to sweep away what is bad".
Putting the two together, it means "purified sacrificial oxen".
The character was then translated to mean "thing, object".
牧 → 牜 + 攵
The part of "牜" means "cow, bull".
The part of "攵" means "to whip".
The two together represent the meaning of "one who feeds cattle".
List of kanji with "牜" as radical
They are listed in stroke order.
牛 物 牧 牲 特 犠
Kanji Radical List (Bushu)
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