Radical Radical Hen (偏)

【車】(Kuruma-hen/car,vehicle,wheel) Kanji Radical, Bushu


【車】Kuruma-hen, Kuruma

Commentary on the radical "車"

Many kanji with the radical "" are related to the various types of cars/vehicles/wheels, the names of the parts of them, moving them, etc.


軌 → 車 + 九

The part of "九" means "to bend and run out".
The two together represent "the ruts of a car that bend and stretch forever and eventually run out on the horizon".
In other words, it means "rut, tire tracks".

軸 → 車 + 由

The part of "由" means "to depend on".
The two together represent "the part that serves as the pivot point for the spinning wheel".
In other words, it means "axis".

List of kanji with "車" as radical

They are listed in stroke order.

車 軍 載 輝 輩

軌 軒 転 軟 軽 軸 較 輪 輸 轄

Kanji Radical List
Kanji Radical List (Bushu)

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-Radical, Radical Hen (偏)

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