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【几】(Tsukue,Ki-nyō/desk) Kanji Radical, Bushu


【几】Tsukue, Ki-nyō

Commentary on the radical "几"

The radical "" means a desk.
However, there are few Kanji characters that include the meaning of desk.


処 →  夂 + 几

The part of "" represents the shape of a platform.
The part of "" represents the shape of a downward-facing foot.
Together, the two mean to step onto a platform, to sit on, and to stay.

凱 →  豈 + 几

The part of "" represents the joyful music when a battle is won.
The part of "" represents a desk used for festivals.
Putting the two together, it means festival rejoicing after winning a battle.

List of kanji with "几" as radical

They are listed in stroke order.

几 凡 処 凧 凪 凰 凱

Kanji Radical List
Kanji Radical List (Bushu)

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