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【幺】(Yō,Ito-gashira/small,faintly) Kanji Radical, Bushu


【幺】Yō, Ito-gashira

Commentary on the radical "幺"

Many Kanji with "" as a radical are related to small, faint.


The kanji "" represents the shape of a dyed yarn draped over a tree branch.
From the way it changed color, it came to mean to change.
Also, from the appearance of deep dyeing, it means deceiving or illusory.

幽 →  幺幺 + 火

The word "幺幺" means faint.
The "" represents fire.
Together, the two mean that the light of the fire is faint and dark.
The "" later changed its form to "".

List of kanji with "幺" as radical

They are listed in stroke order.

幻 幽 幾

Kanji Radical List
Kanji Radical List (Bushu)

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