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【甘】(Kan,Amai/sweet,delicious) Kanji Radical, Bushu


【甘】Kan, Amai

Commentary on the radical "甘"

Many Kanji with "" as a radical are related to sweet and delicious.


甘 →  口 + 一

The kanji "" represents a line drawn in the "" mouth to show food being clamped in the mouth.
It means to taste the flavor or sweetness of the food.

甚 →  甘 + 匹

The part of "" means that the food is good.
The part of "" means enjoyment for both men and women.
Together, the two express that food and sex are extremely enjoyable.
It is commonly used to mean very, too, or extremely.

List of kanji with "甘" as radical

They are listed in stroke order.

甘 甚 甜

Kanji Radical List
Kanji Radical List (Bushu)

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