This article is recommended for
- Those who are studying Japanese but are not good at Kanji
- Those who have started learning Japanese
- People living in Japan (non-Japanese)
【Summary】How to learn Kanji -fast & easy-
In this article, I would like to explain how to ...
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In this time, I will introduce the Kanji character 西.
How to read
① Onyomi (Chinese reading)
The on-readings are
・sei せい
・sai さい
For example,
・東西 tō-zai とうざい
East and West
・東西南北 tō-zai-nan-boku とうざいなんぼく
cardinal directions
and so on.
② Kunyomi (Japanese reading)
Next, the kun-reading is
・nishi にし
For example,
・西 nishi にし
・真西 ma-nishi まにし
due west
and so on.
③ Special reading
Next is a special reading.
・西瓜 suika すいか
But usually written in katakana.
Next is the meaning of the kanji for "西".
This kanji is used in the next meanings
And the radical of this character is 西, 覀 nishi, ōi-kanmuri
This character itself is a radical, a basic character.
【覀】【西】(Ōi-kanmuri,kaname-no-kashira,nishi/cover) Kanji Radical, Bushu
【覀】【襾】Ōi-kanmuri, kaname-no-kashira, nishi Commentary on the radical 覀, 襾 Many ...
Family name
Next, I will introduce family names. Here are some family names that are particularly common in Japan.
・西村 Nishimura にしむら
・大西 Ōnishi おおにし
・西田 Nishida にしだ
・西川 Nishikawa にしかわ
・中西 Nakanishi なかにし
・西山 Nishiyama にしやま
・小西 Konishi こにし
・西 Nishi にし
・西尾 Nishio にしお
・西野 Nishino にしの
Personal name
There are no specific well-known personal names using the Kanji for 西
Famous person
Next, I will introduce Japanese celebrities who use the Kanji 西
・西島 秀俊 Nishijima Hidetoshi にしじまひでとし
He is a acter
・西野 カナ Nishino Kana にしのかな
She is a singer
・西川 貴教 Nishikawa Takanori にしかわたかのり
He is a singer
・井原 西鶴 Ihara Saikaku いはらさいかく
He was a writer
・西郷 隆盛 Saigō Takamori さいごうたかもり
He was a politician, military
Next, I will introduce place names and tourist attractions that use the Chinese character for 西.
・西湖 seiko せいこ
A lake in China. A famous scenic spot since ancient times
Finally, here are some kanji that are similar to 東
・酉 tori とり
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iLAB -Let's learn Japanese Kanji !!-
↓Other kanji characters can be found in the list here↓
Kanji List (JLPT N5, N4, N3, N2, N1)
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