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【巾】(haba-hen, kin-ben/cloth) Kanji Radical, Bushu


【巾】Haba-hen, Haba, Kin-ben

Commentary on the radical "巾"

Many of the kanji with the radical "巾" are related to cloth.


布 → 巾 + ナ (父)

For example, the character 布 means "cloth".
"巾" is a string attached to a piece of cloth and inserted into the obi (belt), representing the meaning of the cloth.
"ナ (父)" is represented holding a mallet.
In other words, it means a cloth that has been glossed with kinuta (wooden or stone block for beating cloth).

帆 → 巾 + 凡

The "凡" represents the shape of a sail.
As "凡" came to be used to mean "all," "巾" was added to represent "帆".

List of kanji with "巾" as radical

They are listed in stroke order.

帆 帳 幅 帽

帥 帰 師

市 布 希 帝 席 帯 常 幕 幣

Kanji Radical List
Kanji Radical List (Bushu)

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