Radical Radical Kamae (構)

【戈】(Hoko-zukuri,Hoko-gamae/weapon) Kanji Radical, Bushu


【戈】Hoko-zukuri, Hoko-gamae

Commentary on the radical "戈"

The radical "" means a weapon.
Many Kanji with "" as a radical are related to weapons or the use of weapons.


戒 →  戈+廾

The "" represents the shape of a pike.
The "" represents the left and right hands.
The two together represent the commandment to hold the weapon in both hands.
It means to admonish.

戦 →  単+戈

The "" represents the shape of a bursting bow.
The "" represents a pike.
The two together mean to fight.

List of kanji with "戈" as radical

They are listed in stroke order.

戊 戎 戌 成 我 戒 或 戚 戟 戦 戯 戮 戴

The following kanji belong to a different radical.

威 → 女(on-na)

哉 → 口(kuchi)

栽 → 木(ki)

幾 → 幺(yō)

裁 → 衣(koromo)

載 → 車(kuruma)

Kanji Radical List
Kanji Radical List (Bushu)

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-Radical, Radical Kamae (構)

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