This article is recommended for
- Those who are studying Japanese but are not good at Kanji
- Those who have started learning Japanese
- People living in Japan (non-Japanese)
【Summary】How to learn Kanji -fast & easy-
In this article, I would like to explain how to ...
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In this time, I will introduce the Kanji character 人.
How to read
① Onyomi (Chinese reading)
The on-readings are
・jin じん
・nin にん
For example,
・日本人 nihon-jin にほんじん
Japanese people
・外国人 gai-koku-jin がいこくじん
foreign people
・人種 jin-shu じんしゅ
race, ethnic group
・人口 jin-kō じんこう
The population of Japan is approximately 120 million.
・人工 jin-kō じんこう
人工知能 jin-kō chi-nō じんこうちのう
AI, artificial intelligence
・人気 nin-ki にんき
人気者 nin-ki-mono にんきもの
popular person
・人間 nin-gen にんげん
and so on.
② Kunyomi (Japanese reading)
Next, the kun-reading is
・hito ひと
For example,
・人 hito ひと
person, people, human
人々 hito-bito ひとびと
people, a lot of people
・人里 hito-zato ひとざと
human habitation, village
人里離れた場所 hito-zato hana-reta basho ひとざとはなれたばしょ
A place with few private homes
・旅人 tabi-bito たびびと
and so on.
③ Special reading
Next is a special reading.
・玄人 kurōto くろうと
・素人 shirōto しろうと
・大人 otona おとな
・一人 hitori ひとり
one person
・二人 futari ふたり
two people
Next is the meaning of the kanji for 人.
This kanji is used in the next meanings
・person, people, human
And the radical of this character is 人 hito
This character itself is a radical, a basic character.
【亻】【人】(Nin-ben,Hito-yane/person,human) Kanji Radical, Bushu
【亻】Nin-ben,【人】Hito-yane, Hito-gashira Commentary on the radical "亻" or "人" "亻 ...
Family name
There is no family name that uses the kanji character "人", which is widely used in Japan
Personal name
These are the most common personal names using the Kanji for 人
There are many male names with 人 in them.
The name is often read as "●●to" with 人 at the end of the name.
・隼人 hayato
・悠人 yūto
・健人 kento
・秀人 hideto
Famous person
Next, I will introduce Japanese celebrities who use the Kanji 人
・池田 勇人 Ikeda Hayato いけだはやと
He is a prime minister of Japan
・市川 勇人 Ichikawa Hayato いちかわはやと
He is a acter
・子安 武人 Koyasu Takehito こやすたけひと
He is a voice actor
・中島 健人 Nakajima Kento なかじまけんと
He is a Johnny's Idol
・人見 絹枝 Hitomi Kinue ひとみきぬえ
She is a track-and-field athlete, First Japanese female Olympic gold medalist
・松本 人志 Matsumoto Hitoshi まつもとひとし
He is a comedian
Finally, here are some kanji that are similar to 人
・入 nyū, i-ru, hai-ru にゅう、い(る)、はい(る)
enter, into
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↓Other kanji characters can be found in the list here↓
Kanji List (JLPT N5, N4, N3, N2, N1)
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