This article is recommended for
- Those who are studying Japanese but are not good at Kanji
- Those who have started learning Japanese
- People living in Japan (non-Japanese)
【Summary】How to learn Kanji -fast & easy-
In this article, I would like to explain how to ...
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In this time, I will introduce the Kanji character 気.
How to read
① Onyomi (Chinese reading)
The on-readings are
・き ki
・け ke
For example,
・空気 くうき kū-ki
It means atmosphere, the air
・天気 てんき ten-ki
It means weather
・天気予報 てんきよほう ten-ki yo-hou
It means weather forecast
天気がいい てんきがいい
fine weather
・電気 でんき den-ki
It means electricity, light
電気をつける でんきをつける
turn on the light
・元気 げんき gen-ki
It means energy
元気がいい げんきがいい
energetic, full of vitality
・人気 にんき nin-ki
It means favorite, popularity
人気がある にんきがある
It's popular.
・勇気 ゆうき yū-ki
It means courage
勇気がある ゆうきがある
You are courageous.
and so on.
② Kunyomi (Japanese reading)
Next, this kanji has no kun-reading.
③ Special reading
this kanji has no special reading.
Next is the meaning of the kanji for "気".
And the radical of this character is 气 ki-gamae
This character itself is a radical, a basic character.
【气】(ki-gamae) Kanji Radical, Bushu
【气】ki-gamae In this time, I will introduce the Kanji ...
Family name
Next, I will introduce family names. Here are some family names that are particularly common in Japan.
・和気 わけ Wake
Personal name
These are the most common personal names using the Kanji for 気
・勇気 ゆうき Yūkii
・元気 げんき Genki
It's a name given to a man.
Famous person
Next, I will introduce Japanese celebrities who use the Kanji 気
・原口 元気 はらぐちげんき Haraguchi Genki
He's a soccer player.
Next, I will introduce place names and tourist attractions that use the kanji character for 気.
・気仙沼 けせんぬま Kesen-numa
The name of a city in the Tohoku region of Japan.
Matsushima, one of the three most scenic spots in Japan, is nearby.
Containing its kanji
Finally, here are some kanji that are similar to 気
There is no particular kanji that resembles the kanji character for "気".
・汽 き ki
It means steam
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↓Other kanji characters can be found in the list here↓
Kanji List (JLPT N5, N4, N3, N2, N1)
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