JLPT N5 Kanji

【外】(gai, ge, soto, hoka/ outside) Japanese Kanji / JLPT N5


This article is recommended for

  • Those who are studying Japanese but are not good at Kanji
  • Those who have started learning Japanese
  • People living in Japan (non-Japanese)
【Summary】How to learn Kanji -fast & easy-
【Summary】How to learn Kanji -fast & easy-

In this article, I would like to explain how to ...

Click here to learn how to learn kanji.

In this time, I will introduce the Kanji character .

How to read

① Onyomi (Chinese reading)

The on-readings are
・がい gai
・げ ge

For example,

外見 がいけん gai-ken
It means appearance
It is often used against people.
東アジアの人は外見が似ている ひがしあじあのひとはがいけんがにている
East Asians are similar in appearance.

外国 がいこく gai-koku
It means foreign country
外国人 がいこくじん gai-koku jin
It means foreign people

圏外 けんがい ken-gai
It means outside range
圏外のため、スマホでインターネットができません けんがいのため、すまほでいんたーねっとができません
I cannot get internet on my phone due to outside range

and so on.

② Kunyomi (Japanese reading)

Next, the kun-reading is
・そと soto
・ほか hoka
・はず-す はず-す

For example,
外す はずす hazu-su
It means remove, unlock
カギを外す かぎをはずす
Remove the key.
Unlock the lock.

and so on.

③ Special reading

No special reading


Next is the meaning of the kanji for 外.
This kanji is used in the next meanings


And the radical of this character is 夕 Yūbe
This character itself is a radical, a basic character.

【夕】(Yūbe/night Kanji Radical, Bushu
【夕】(Yūbe/night) Kanji Radical, Bushu

【夕】Yūbe Commentary on the radical "夕" Many Kanji with "夕" ...

Family name

Next, I will introduce family names. Here are some family names that are particularly common in Japan.
外山 とやま Toyama
外村 とむら Tomura

Personal name

There are no specific well-known personal names using the Kanji for 外

Famous person

Next, I will introduce Japanese celebrities who use the Kanji 外
森 鷗外 もりおうがい Mori Ougai
He was a writer.

外山 滋比古 とやましげひこ Toyama Shigehiko
He was a linguist.


Here are some kanji that are similar to 外
 せん sen
But this kanji is not commonly used

Video continues at "iLAB" here. If you are interested, please continue watching.

iLAB -Let's learn Japanese Kanji !!-

↓Other kanji characters can be found in the list here↓

JLPT Kanji List (N5, N4, N3, N2, N1)
Kanji List (JLPT N5, N4, N3, N2, N1)

Click Kanji characters that you want to know and jump ...


Tap or click to see a list of related Kanji pages.

-JLPT N5, Kanji
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