Radical Radical Hen (偏) Radical Others

【子】(Ko-hen, Ko/child) Kanji Radical, Bushu


【子】Ko-hen, Ko

Commentary on the radical "子"

Many of the kanji with the radical "子" are various children or related to children.


孤 → 子 + 瓜

For example, the character 孤 means "loneliness".
The part of 瓜 represents the sound (ku), which is connected to the character "懼", meaning to be timid and frightened.
It means a fatherless and frightened child, a deemed child.
It came to mean loneliness.

孫 → 子 + 系

The character for 孫 means "grandchild".
The partof "系" means a thread that connects in a straight line.
And it represents the meaning of a grandchild, leading in a straight line to the child's child.

List of kanji with "子" as radical

They are listed in stroke order.

子 孔 孤 孫

存 学 季

Kanji Radical List
Kanji Radical List (Bushu)

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