Radical Radical Tsukuri (旁)

【又】(Mata/hand) Kanji Radical, Bushu



Commentary on the radical "又"

Many of the characters in the radical "" are related to hand motions.

The kanji "" is a hieroglyphic character for "hand."


双(雙)  →  隹+ 隹+ 又

The kanji "雙" is an older typeface for "双."

The "隹隹" represents "two birds."
All together, they represent "two birds in a hand."
In other words, it means "two."

反  → 厂 + 又

The "" is a character that represents the shape of a "cliff."
The two together represent "overthrowing with one's hands the weight of a crushing rock-like pressure."
The meaning is primarily "to return, to oppose."

List of kanji with "又" as radical

They are listed in stroke order.

又 叉 収 双 反 友 取 受 叔 叙 叡 叢

The following Kanji character has a different radical.

隻 → 隹(furutori)

Kanji Radical List
Kanji Radical List (Bushu)

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