Radical Radical Kammuri (冠)

【亠】(Nabebuta, Kēsan-kanmuri/lid) Kanji Radical, Bushu


【亠】Nabe-buta, Kēsan-kanmuri

Commentary on the radical "亠"

The radical "亠" has no specific meaning.
It is a radical that is there to classify the kanji according to its shape.


The character "交" is a character that represents the shape of a person crossing his or her shin.
It represents the meaning of "to cross" by this.

The kanji "率" is a character that represents the shape of a washed thread being squeezed out of water.
It thereby represents "tightening in one place" or "leading with cohesion."
Its meaning changed and it came to mean "to bring together numbers, etc." or "generally, about."

List of kanji with "亠" as radical

They are listed in stroke order.

亡 亦 亥 交 亨 享 京 卒 亭 亮 商 率

The following kanji belong to a different radical

六 → 八(Hachi)

市 → 巾(Haba)

充 → 儿(Hito-ashi, Nin-nyō)

育 → 月(Niku-zuki)

夜 → 夕(Yūbe)

豪 → 豕(Buta, Inoko)

Kanji Radical List
Kanji Radical List (Bushu)

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-Radical, Radical Kammuri (冠)

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