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【丿】(No,Harai-bō/hang) Kanji Radical, Bushu


【丿】No, Harai-bō

Commentary on the radical "丿"

The radical "丿" denotes a right-to-left turn.
It also indicates something that hangs at an angle, etc.
However, it is a radical in the classification of kanji and has no particular meaning.


及 →  又 + 人

The part of "" represents the shape of a hand.
The part of "" represents a person.
It represents a hand touching a person and catching up with them.
It means to reach.

The kanji "" is the character for foot () written in the opposite direction.
It means not enough.

List of kanji with "丿" as radical

They are listed in stroke order.

乃 〆 久 及 々 乏 乗

Kanji Radical List
Kanji Radical List (Bushu)

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