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【⺌】【小】(Shō,Nao-gashira/small) Kanji Radical, Bushu


【⺌】【小】Shō, Shō-gashira, Nao-gashira

Commentary on the radical "⺌ or 小"

There are kanji with " or " as a radical are related to little, less, or small, etc.


The kanji "" represents four small dots written on it.
It means less or little.

当(當) →  尚 + 田

The "" is the old form of "".
The "" means to wish.
The "" means rice field.
Putting the two together, it represents facing things with the hope for fruitfulness in between farming.
In other words, it means to face.

List of kanji with "⺌" as radical

They are listed in stroke order.

小 少 尖 当 尚

Kanji Radical List
Kanji Radical List (Bushu)

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