Radical Radical Hen (偏)

【月】(tsuki-hen/moon,date,boat) Kanji Radical, Bushu



Commentary on the radical "月"

Kanji characters with the radical "月 (Tsuki-hen)" have meanings related to the month or the day.

It also includes the radical "月" which is a variant of the "舟" shape.

There is also a radical "月 (Niku-zuki)" with the same shape.
This is a radical related to the body.


朗 → 良 + 月

The part of "良" means "good, nice".
The part of "月" means "moon".
The two together came to mean "good moon" and then "bright".

期 → 其 + 月

The part of "其" means "to delimit orderly".
The part of "月" means "time".
The two together represent "separated time".

List of kanji with "月" as radical

They are listed in stroke order.

服 朕 朗 望 期 朝

Kanji Radical List
Kanji Radical List (Bushu)

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-Radical, Radical Hen (偏)

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