JLPT N5 Kanji

【中】(chū,naka/middle,center) Japanese Kanji / JLPT N5


This article is recommended for

  • Those who are studying Japanese but are not good at Kanji
  • Those who have started learning Japanese
  • People living in Japan (non-Japanese)
【Summary】How to learn Kanji -fast & easy-
【Summary】How to learn Kanji -fast & easy-

In this article, I would like to explain how to ...

Click here to learn how to learn kanji.

How to read 中

① Onyomi (Chinese reading)

The on-readings are

chū ちゅう
・jū じゅ

For example,
・中心 chū-shin ちゅうしん
・水中 sui-chū すいちゅう
・中国 chū-goku ちゅうごく
and so on.

② Kunyomi (Japanese reading)

Next is the kun-reading.
It’s read as

・なか naka

For example,
・中身 naka-mi なかみ
inside of
・背中 se-naka せなか
back of body
and so on.

③ Special reading

No special reading

Meaning of 中

Next is the meaning of the kanji for "中".
This kanji is used in the next meanings


Radical of 中

And the radical of this character is 丨/tatebo.
This character itself is a radical, a basic character.

【日】【曰】(Hi-hen,Nichi,Hirabi/sun,time) Kanji Radical
【日】【曰】(Hi-hen,Nichi,Hirabi/sun,time) Kanji Radical, Bushu

【日】【曰】Hi-hen, Hirabi Commentary on the radical "日" or "曰" Although ...

Family name

Next, I will introduce family names in Jpapan.
Here are some family names that are famous in Japan.

・田中 tanaka たなか
・中村 nakamura なかむら
・中島/中嶋 nakajima/nakashima なかじま/なかしま
"嶋" is the old form of "島".
・中野 nakano なかの
・中川 nakagawa なかがわ
・中田 nakata/nakada なかた/なかだ
・山中 yamanaka やまなか
・中西 nakanishi なかにし
・中尾 nakao なかお
・中井 nakai なかい
・中谷 nakatani なかたに
・中原 nakahara なかはら

Personal name

There are no specific well-known personal names using the Kanji for

Famous person

Next, I will introduce Japanese celebrities who use the Kanji 中.

・田中 将大 Tanaka Masahiro
He is a baseball player

・中田 英寿 Nakata Hidetoshi
He is a former footballer

・中嶋 悟 Nakajima Satoru
He is a former F-1 racing driver

Anime characters

Next, I will introduce some manga and anime characters that use the kanji 中.

・中川 圭一 Nakagawa Kēichi
He is a character in KochiKame: Tokyo Beat Cops

Look-alikes 中

Finally, here are some kanji that are similar to 中.

・申 shin, mō- しん、もう(す)

・巾 kin, haba きん、はば

Video continues at "iLAB" here. If you are interested, please continue watching.

iLAB -Let's learn Japanese Kanji !!-

↓Other kanji characters can be found in the list here↓

JLPT Kanji List (N5, N4, N3, N2, N1)
Kanji List (JLPT N5, N4, N3, N2, N1)

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