【干】kan, hosu
In this time, I will introduce the Kanji radical "干".
reading of the radical
its readings is
・kan, hosu かん、ほす
Commentary on the radical
Next is the meaning of the radicali for 干.
This is a radical to classify by letter form.
And the origin of this character is explained in iLAB below.
kanji characters using this radical
These are kanji characters using this radical.
Here are five.
・干 kan, ho-su, hi-ru かん、ほ-す、ひ-る
it means dry, drain (off),
・平 hei, byō, tai-ra, hira へい、びょう、たい-ら、ひら
it means flat
・年 nen, toshi ねん、とし
it means year
・幸 kou, saiwa-i, sachi, shiawa-se こう、さいわ-い、さち、しあわ-せ
it means happiness
・幹 kan, miki かん、みき
it means stem, tree trunk
kanji belong to a different radical
The following kanji belong to a different radical
・刊 kan
it means publication
Belongs to the radical 刂
・肝 kan, kimo かん、きも
it means liver, pluck
Belongs to the radical 月
・汗 kan, ase かん、あせ
it means sweat
Belongs to the radical 氵
・竿 kan, sao かん、さお
it means rod, pole
Belongs to the radical 竹
・軒 ken, noki けん、のき
it means eaves, counter for houses
Belongs to the radical 車
Thus, many characters containing 干 are pronounced "kan"
List of kanji with this radical
They are listed in stroke order.
干 平 年 幸 幹
The following kanji belong to a different radical
刊 肝 汗 竿 軒
Kanji Radical List (Bushu)
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