JLPT N5 Kanji

【大】(dai,tai,ō/large,big,huge) Japanese Kanji / JLPTN5


This article is recommended for

  • Those who are studying Japanese but are not good at Kanji
  • Those who have started learning Japanese
  • People living in Japan (non-Japanese)

Click here to learn how to learn kanji.

How to read

① Onyomi (Chinese reading)

The on-readings are

・dai だい
・tai たい

For example,
・大丈夫 dai-jō-bu だいじょうぶ
 all right
・大学 dai-gaku だいがく
 university, college
・大切 tai-setsu たいせつ
and so on.

② Kunyomi (Japanese reading)

Next is the kun-reading.
It’s read as

ō おお

For example,
・大空 ō-zora おおぞら
 wide open sky, sky
・大きい ō-kī おおきい
 big, large, huge
and so on.

③ Special reading

Next is a special reading.

・大人 otona おとな
・大和 yamato やまと
 old name for Japan

Meaning of

Next is the meaning of the kanji for "大".
This kanji is used in the next meanings

big, large, huge

Radical of

And the radical of this character is 大/dai.
This character itself is a radical, a basic character.

【日】【曰】(Hi-hen,Nichi,Hirabi/sun,time) Kanji Radical
【日】【曰】(Hi-hen,Nichi,Hirabi/sun,time) Kanji Radical, Bushu

【日】【曰】Hi-hen, Hirabi Commentary on the radical "日" or "曰" Although ...

Family name

Next, I will introduce family names in Jpapan.
Here are some family names that are famous in Japan.

・大野 Ōno おおの
・大西 Ōnishi おおにし
・大橋 Ōhashi おおはし
・大谷 Ōtani おおたに
・大島 Ōshima おおしま
・大石 Ōishi おおいし
・大森 Ōmori おおもり
・大山 Ōyama おおやま
・大川 Ōkawa おおかわ
・大沢 Ōsawa おおさわ
・大竹 Ōtake おおたけ
・大木 Ōki おおき
・大内 Ōuchi おおうち
・大原 Ōhara おおはら
・大平 Ōhira おおひら

Personal name

There are many names used for this character.

・大 Hiroshi/Masaru ひろし/まさる
・大輔 Dai-suke だいすけ
・大和 Yamato やまと

Famous person

Next, I will introduce Japanese celebrities who use the Kanji 大.

・大谷 翔平 Ōtani Shōhē
 He is a baseball player

・松坂 大輔 Matsuzaka Daisuke
 He is former baseball player

Anime characters

Next, I will introduce some manga and anime characters that use the kanji 大. ・大空 翼 Ōzora Tsubasa He is a character in Captain Tsubasa ・大石 秀一郎 Ōishi Shūichirō He is a character in The Prince of Tennis


Finally, here are some kanji that are similar to 大.

・太 tai, ta, futo- たい、た、ふと(い)
・犬 ken, inu けん、いぬ

Video continues at "iLAB" here. If you are interested, please continue watching.

iLAB -Let's learn Japanese Kanji !!-

↓Other kanji characters can be found in the list here↓

JLPT Kanji List (N5, N4, N3, N2, N1)
Kanji List (JLPT N5, N4, N3, N2, N1)

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