This article is recommended for
- Those who are studying Japanese but are not good at Kanji
- Those who have started learning Japanese
- People living in Japan (non-Japanese)
【Summary】How to learn Kanji -fast & easy-
In this article, I would like to explain how to ...
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In this time, I will introduce the Kanji character 子.
How to read
① Onyomi (Chinese reading)
The on-readings are
・し shi
・す su
For example,
・子孫 しそん shi-son
It means descendants
・男子 だんし dan-shi
It means boy
・女子 じょし jo-shi
It means girl
・帽子 ぼうし bou-shi
It means hat, cap
and so on.
② Kunyomi (Japanese reading)
Next, the kun-reading is
・こ ko
For example,
・子 こ ko
It means child, children
It's a formal way of saying.
・子供 こども ko-domo
It means child, children
This is a casual way of saying
・息子 むすこ musuko
It means son
・玉子焼き たまごやき tama-go ya-ki
It means fried eggs
and so on.
③ Special reading
Next is a special reading.
・ね ne
・ねずみ nezumi
For example,
・子年 ねずみどし nezumi-doshi
It means the Year of the Rat (the Chinese Zodiac)
Next is the meaning of the kanji for 子.
This kanji is used in the next meanings
・child, children
And the radical of this character is 子 kodomo
This character itself is a radical, a basic character.
【子】(Ko-hen, Ko/child) Kanji Radical, Bushu
【子】Ko-hen, Ko Commentary on the radical "子" Many of the ...
Family name
Next, I will introduce family names. Here are some family names that are particularly common in Japan.
・金子 かねこ Kaneko
・蛭子 えびす Ebisu
Personal name
These are the most common personal names using the Kanji for 子
・京子 きょうこ Kyōko
・優子 ゆうこ Yūko
・洋子 ようこ Yōko
・玲子 れいこ Reiko
・智子 ともこ Tomoko
There are too many to write about.
Many female names have 子 at the end of their names.
Every woman in the Japanese Imperial Family has a character 子 attached to her name.
Famous person
Next, I will introduce Japanese celebrities who use the Kanji 子
・宮村 優子 みやむらゆうこ Miyamura Yūko
She is a voice actress. She plays Asuka in Evangelion.
・美智子さま みちこさま Michiko sama
She is the Empress Emerita
・雅子さま まさこさま Masako sama
She is the Empress
Here are some kanji that are similar to 子
・干 かん、ほ-す kan, ho-su
It means dry
kanji that contain character 子 in their composition
Here are some kanji that contain character 子 in their composition
・孔 こう、あな kou, ana
It means hole
・字 じ ji
It means letter, character
・学 がく、まな-ぶ gaku, mana-bu
It means to learn, to study
・好 こう、す-き kou, su-ki
It means to like, to love
・存 そん、ぞん son, zon
It means exist
・孝 こう kou
It means filial piety
・李 り ri
It means Prunus salicina
・季 き、とき ki, toki
It means season
・孫 そん、まご son, mago
It means grandchild
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↓Other kanji characters can be found in the list here↓
Kanji List (JLPT N5, N4, N3, N2, N1)
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