Radical Radical Kammuri (冠)

【彑】【彐】【⺕】(Kē-gashira,Inoko-gashira/pig) Kanji Radical, Bushu


【彑】【彐】【⺕】Kē-gashira, Inoko-gashira

Commentary on the radical "彑、彐、⺕"

The radical "" has been simplified to "" in modern times.
The character "" means the head of a boar or pig.
However, it also includes "".
And this is a radical for classification of letter forms.


Although the character "" seems not to be commonly used in Japan, there are several characters that contain this character, which is introduced.
The character "" represents the overflowing of water around the pulley of a well.
Its meaning changed and it came to mean to extract and record only the important ones out of many incidents.

List of kanji with "彑、彐、⺕" as radical

They are listed in stroke order.

彔 彖 彗 彙

The following characters are classified in different radicals.

互 → 二(ni)

丑 → 一(ishi)

当 → 小(shō)

尋 → 寸(sun)

Kanji Radical List
Kanji Radical List (Bushu)

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-Radical, Radical Kammuri (冠)

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