Radical Radical Others

【夂】【夊】(fuyu-gashira, sui-nyo) Kanji Radical, Bushu


【夂】【夊】fuyu-gashira, sui-nyo

In this time, I will introduce the Kanji radical /.

reading of the radical

its readings is
ふゆがしら fuyu-gashira
すいにょう sui-nyo

Commentary on the radical

Next is the meaning of the radicali for /.
The radicals 夂 and 夊 were originally different, but they are all written as 夂 in Joyo Kanji, so they were combined together.
夂 is a part that represents the shape of a downward-facing foot and means "to descend".
夊 means "foot" or "go"

And the origin of this character is explained in iLAB below.

kanji characters using this radical

These are kanji characters using this radical.
Here are three.
 とう、ふゆ tou, fuyu
It means winter

 へん、か-わる hen, ka-waru
It means change

 げ、なつ ge, natsu
It means summer

kanji belong to a different radical

The following kanji belong to a different radical
 きゅう、ひさ-しい kyū, hisa-shii
It means long time
This kanji belongs to the radical ノ

 しょ sho
It means place
This kanji belongs to the radical 几

 かく kaku
It means each
This kanji belongs to the radical 口

 ばく、むぎ baku, mugi
It means wheat
This kanji belongs to the radical 麦

 うね une
It means ridge (in field)
This kanji belongs to the radical 田

 ゆう、うれ-う yū, ure-u
It means worry
This kanji belongs to the radical 心

List of kanji with this radical

They are listed in stroke order.

冬 変 夏

The following kanji belong to a different radical

久 処 各 麦 畝 憂

Kanji Radical List
Kanji Radical List (Bushu)

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