Radical Radical Others

【里】(sato, satohen) Kanji Radical, Bushu


【里】sato, satohen

In this time, I will introduce the Kanji radical "".

reading of the radical

its readings is

・sato, sato-hen さと、さとへん

Commentary on the radical

Next is the meaning of the radicali for .
From this radical, characters containing suburban meanings are formed.
There are also some kanji that are classified in this radical simply by the shape of their characters, such as and .

And the origin of this character is explained in iLAB below.

kanji characters using this radical

These are kanji characters using this radical.
Here are four.

 ri, sato り、さと
it means village

 jū, chō, e, omo-i, kasa-neru じゅう、ちょう、え、おも-い、かさ-ねる
it means heavy

 ya, no や、の
it means field

 ryō, haka-ru りょう、はか-る
it means amount, quantity, volume, weigh

kanji belong to a different radical

The following kanji belong to a different radical

 ri り
it means physical science, reason, the principle of the thing
Belongs to the radical 玉

 ri, ura り、うら
it means behind, reverse, back
Belongs to the radical 亠

 ri, tanuki り、たぬき
it means raccoon dog, sly dog
Belongs to the radical 犭

 ri, koi り、こい
it means carp
Belongs to the radical 魚

And, many characters containing 里 are pronounced "ri"

List of kanji with this radical

They are listed in stroke order.

里 重 野 量

Kanji belonging to a different radical

理 裏 狸 鯉

Kanji Radical List
Kanji Radical List (Bushu)

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-Radical, Radical Others

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